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Special Terms of Sale

  • Deposit (?) 5% of Sale Price
  • Buyers Fee (?) 1% of Sale Price (Minimum of £3250 +vat)

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  • Status:
  • Type: Portfolio
  • Ownership: Freehold
  • Occupation: Vacant

PRIME BUY-TO-LET INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO of 13 FLATS *** 7 x 2 Beds and 6 x 1 Bed flats located within the coastal town of Methil, Fife. Combined Rental Potential of £65,000 per annum. Huge Yield Opp.

HUGE YIELD potential in SUPER RENTAL LOCATION close to amenities and transport links. Properties in various condition but excellent opportunity for a portfolio purchase and development.

Methil is an attractive seaside town with excellent access to amenities and transport links with routes PERFECT RENTAL LOCATION.

The properties are all well placed for access to Leven town centre where there is a wide variety of shopping and services. Excellent amenities including schooling and public services.

Methil is well positioned to access the main commercial towns Glenrothes - 15 minutes, Kirkcaldy (17 minutes) and Cupar only 25 minutes. Sought after St Andrews is approximately 18 miles distant.

Addresses of portfolio... 298A High St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 298B High St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 300A High St Methil (1 Bed Flat) 300B High St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 302A High St Methil (1 Bed Flat) 302B High St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 304A High St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 304B High St Methil (1 Bed Flat) 306 High St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 3 School St Methil (1 Bed Flat) 3 School St Methil (1 Bed Flat) 3 School St Methil (2 Bed Flat) 9 Patterson St Methil (2 Bed Flat)

Methil is well positioned to access the main commercial towns Glenrothes - 15 minutes, Kirkcaldy (17 minutes) and Cupar only 25 minutes. Sought after St Andrews is approximately 18 miles distant. The property is well placed for access to Leven town centre where there is a wide variety of shopping and services. Leven has excellent leisure facilities including two 18 hole golf courses a beach with promenade and a modern swimming pool with leisure centre. Easy commuting to Edinburgh/ Glasgow via excellent motorway links.

Full Address:  Portfolio of 13 Properties, Methil, Fife, KY8 3EJ

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Pricing Information & Bidding

Guide Price: £425,000

What is a Guide Price... Auction Guide Prices are displayed as an indication of each seller's approximate sale expectation. They are not necessarily figures which a property will sell for and may change prior to the auction.

Offer Now... You may submit an offer now on this property for the owner to consider ahead of the set auction. If they are will are willing to sell you the property now then it is a matter of making the required deposit payment to secure the purchase. Complete our ONLINE OFFER FORM now to put your offer forward to the sellers.

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SPECIAL Terms of Sale

  • 5% Deposit
  • Buyers Fee = 1% of Sale Price (Minimum £3,250 + vat)
  • 4 Weeks Completion or Longer By Agreement
  • Contribution to Sellers Costs £2,750 for on time settlement

VIEW THE GENERAL TERMS OF SALE which are superseded by any special conditions detailed above.

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Please use our PAYMENT CALCULATOR to confirm the necessary reservation deposit for this property if you are successful with an offer now or bid at auction.

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Buy Now Price = £425,000

Please use our BUY NOW form to secure this property now. Once you submit the form we will send you an invoice and payment details so you can make the necessary deposit payment to proceed with the purchase.

BUY NOW for £425,000 - CLICK HERE

Auction Details

Date & Time: 10 October 2024, 3pm
Type: Deadline for Offers

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