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  • Buyers Fee (?) 2% of Sale Price (Minimum of £2500 +vat)

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  • Status: Available
  • Type: Commercial
  • Ownership: Freehold
  • Occupation: Vacant

The property comprises a mid terraced ground floor retail unit with single frontage set within a larger 4 storey traditional mixed use tenemental development.

The property is held on a full repairing and insuring head lease on the following terms Tenant: Personal Name Expiry: Running month to month since 2014 Passing Rent: £5,200p.a

Internally the property is presented in an open plan retailing lay out with fluorescent lighting. Partitions are erected to the rear forming tea prep and w.c facility.

The property extends to 37.9sqm (408sq ft) Long Standing Tenant. Rates Exempt. Busy Retailing Thoroughfare

The area is well served by public transport links with Shettleston Railway Station located a short walk away as well as numerous bus services that operate on Shettleston Road.

The property comprises a mid terraced ground floor retail unit with single frontage set within a larger 4 storey traditional mixed use tenemental development. Internally the property is presented in an open plan retailing lay out with fluorescent lighting. Partitions are erected to the rear forming tea prep and w.c facility. Lease Summary The property is held on a full repairing and insuring head lease on the following terms Tenant: Personal Name Expiry: Running month to month since 2014 Passing Rent: £5,200p.a Area The property extends to 37.9sqm (408sq ft) Price On request V.A.T We understand the property is not elected for V.A.T

The subjects benefit from a prominent trading position on Shettleston Road, a main arterial route forming part of the A89 that runs between Glasgow city centre and its eastern suburbs. The subjects lie on the south side of Shettleston Road between its junctions with McNair Street and Fenella Street within the bustling Shettleston area within Glasgow’s East End, approximately 4 miles east of the city centre. The subjects lie within a densely populated residential and commercial area and nearby occupiers include Shettleston & Tollcross Credit Union, Subway, Well pharmacy, Ladbrokes and Dunlop’s Auto Shop. The area is well served by public transport links with Shettleston Railway Station located a short walk away as well as numerous bus services that operate on Shettleston Road. The area is well served by public transport links with Shettleston Railway Station located a short walk away as well as numerous bus services that operate on Shettleston Road.

Full Address: 1134 Shettleston Road, TENANTED INVESTMENT, Glasgow, G32 7PQ

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Pricing Information & Bidding

Opening Bid: £30,000

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SPECIAL Terms of Sale

  • 10% Deposit
  • Buyers Fee = 2% of Sale Price (Minimum £2,500 + vat)
  • 4 Weeks Completion or Longer By Agreement
  • Contribution to Sellers Costs £2,750 for on time settlement

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Auction Details

Date & Time: 20 March 2025, 10am-3pm
Type: Timed Online Auction

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